Your Opinion, Rewarded

Something Wrong?

There may come a time where something just isn’t working right. Could be gremlins got into the system and are throwing a few wrenches around. Or maybe you’re having some trouble figuring out how to get your rewards. Or perhaps, you are just unhappy with how things are going. I can’t solve your problems or address your concerns if I don’t know about them. I have plenty of superpowers, but I’m no Professor X; I’ve got a head full of fantastic hair.

Whether it is an issue with a specific survey or your rewards, I want to know. I am here to help you. My job is to make your PointClub experience fun and enjoyable. I won’t rest until I know you are satisfied and any concerns you have are addressed and resolved. They don’t call me a hero for nothing. Now, no man is an island and every hero has a good team working in the background. So it is not just me who’s here to help, it’s my whole team too.

I’m happy to hear about all of the opportunities for improvement but I’d also love to hear about the good stuff too. Did you truly enjoy one sweepstakes in particular so you’d like to see more like it? Everyone needs a few rainbows amongst the thunderbolts. You know what I’m saying?

So if you are having any troubles at all or just want to share something good, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact us via our website or PointClub on Facebook.

Looking forward to hearing from you, PointClubbers!

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